Ultra Rare Tibetan Tektite Pendant Light Language Crystal Pendant in 14k
Each pendant is unique & special, one of a kind powerfully encoded, carrying codes of creation information and are intended to unlock dormant codes in the DNA and bring humanity out of the illusion of separation and back to oneness. Through these codes YOU become less programmed by the matrix and more aligned with our higher self. Thus, more authentic living with love and community support is experienced in daily life.
Constantly distributing energy around your field to convey messages- interpreted by the heart, and speaks familiarity to your soul rather than to your programmed hearing and brain. This allows you to consume information differently by expanding your senses.
The frequency of the Light Language creates the geometries that are needed spatially in the person's Light body. Like a solar flare, it is a powerful burst that bypasses all other Encodements or transductions because it immediately hits the energy field without having to be broken down into other formats - like an understanding or an emotion. It immediately interacts with the Light body.
It is channeled Dynamic Frequency Encodings via Crystalline Light Stones. It adjusts to the resonance of each person's vibrational needs in the moment; initiating clearing, balancing, activation, and alignment with a new vibration of Well being.
The Language of Light Pendant is a powerful healing tool for Lightworkers on a path of Ascension and empowerment. Your heart speaks Light Language fluently.
It speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recoding your personal vibrational signature as your Higher Self activates the Light Language. Much of its clarity is within the trust of the unknown; breaking through mental barriers by opening heart barriers. Most often, it is not translated as a word-for-word transmission - it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information.
Light is a carrier vehicle of consciousness and a base unit of creational information. It is quantum in nature because it is the interaction with an observer/receiver that creates specific information from the dynamic potential of Light Language, or the metaphoric rainbow from the prism.
Personal armor is a protective covering that is used to prevent damage from Light Beings being inflicted by objects, individuals, or from damage caused by a potentially dangerous environment or activity like directed energy weapons, psychic warfare, negative vampiric energy and more.
Dimensions: 1.55" x .76" x .57" inches
Weight: 18 grams -90 Carats
Keys: Connection with ET's Telepathic Communication, Raising One's Vibrational level
"These stones vibrate with high frequency pulsations"
Rare glassy remnants of an ancient meteor crash, these are among the most powerful stones for bringing spiritual energies into the physical, astral and etheric bodies.
The classic forms of tektites - tear drops, smooth rounded buttons and dumbells suggest these stones were, at the time of associated meteoric impact, heated to the liquid state and flung through the atmosphere. Scientists have long debated whether Tektites were themselves meteorites, terrestrial rocks melted by meteoric impacts, or some fusion of terrestrial and extraterrestrial material.
Tektites have a long history of lore and legend. More than 2000 years ago Chinese writer Liu Sun gave Tektites the name Lei-gong-mo, meaning "Inkstone of the Thunder god."
Australian aborigines refer to them as Mban, which means 'Magic,' and they believe that finding a Tektite brings good luck. In India they were known as Saimantakimani, the 'sacred gem of Krishna.' The Sanskrit name for Tektites, agni mani, can be translated into English as 'fire pearl' or 'tear drops from the moon.' Tibetan monks are said to have worshiped Tektites, calling them the 'stone of shamaballa.'