
Sanda Rosa Azeztulite Crystal Bracelet

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Sanda Rosa Crystal Bracelet Azozeo Super Activated

"Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, perhaps because of its mica and garnet inclusions, is more grounded than other forms of Azeztulite, and is therefore easier for some highly sensitive people to work with."

Size: Made with 6 mm beads on comfortable elastic band. Also available in 8 or 10 mm beads.
Guarantee Card

Keys: Attunement to Golden White Light, Light Body Awake
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Crown, Soul-Star Trans Personal
Authenticity Card

Azozeo Super Activated Crystals

Azozeo is the name of a new type of Super Activated Crystals and a word used to awaken them. It is a way of calling to the Azez, angelic stewards of the nameless light.

Azozeo Super Activated Crystals carry much higher frequencies than the non-activated versions of the same stones. They emanate powerful currents of subtle matter/energy, or Celestial Fire. They provide a more powerful, clearer and more elevated version of the characteristic of each crystals vibrations. They expand awareness to higher realms, actualize spiritual capacities and open one to enlightenment.

Azozeo is an ancient word, discovered in the 2000-year-old Book of Ieou. It was used to call upon powerful angelic beings (believed to be the same angels, the Azez, who awakened the energies of Azeztulite) for the purpose of spiritual ascension. This word was used (in combination with an Azeztulite labyrinth and pyramid, plus two large powerful Phenacite Crystals), to stimulate certain crystals to a higher level of energy and power.

This is why we named the newly activated stones Azozeo Crystals. Only stones exposed to this powerful energy field can be designated by the name Azozeo Crystals.

Robert Simmons writes: "Azozeo Super Activated Crystals act as powerful conduits to bring through the flood of Celestial Fire-the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun which has now begun to bathe the Earth. Like a tide coming in, this energy is destined to uplift all of humanity and earth to a new level of being. As we stand here at the beginning of this new era, the Azozeo Crystals function as 'grounding wires' through which the initial surges of Divine currents can pass.

We are urged to work with these stones and allow ourselves to be pillars of light, acting to conduct Celestial Fire into the world through our own being. We can do this through meditation with these stones, through utilizing them in energy grids and healing layouts, through wearing them or through planting them ritually in the Earth.

"When one spends time attuning to Azozeo Crystals, the currents one feel's entering the body are not mere ephemeral energy-they are streams of subtle matter which bond to the gross matter in every cell and molecule of the body in a way that spiritualizes them, aligns them, 'teaches' them to open themselves to the Light.

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