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Rainbow Lattice Sunstone 'Rare & Mesmerizing' A++

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Rainbow Lattice Sunstone. An Extraordinary phenomenon & Other worldly energy.

These very rare gems are one of Australia's most unique gemstones only found in one location in the entire world. They are very rare and expensive and are highly sought after.

Dimensions 27.17 mm x 22 mm x 5.2 mm
Weight: 20 Carats

An alchemical stone bringing a profound connection to light and the regenerative power of the sun during meditation and in everyday life. These Phenomenal gems exhibit moving lines, star, or changes on the surface as the light varied, and was considered to bring good fortune.

With the radiance of the sun and the fire of the solar ray, Sunstone carries the energy of Ra, the sun god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the Earth. It is a Stone of Leadership - of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Truly reflecting the qualities of Light, it brings openness, benevolence and warmth, strength, mental clarity, and the willingness and ability to bestow blessings upon others.

In ancient India, Sunstone was revered as protection from the destructive forces of other realms.

More info via Judy Hall

described Rainbow Lattice sunstone as ‘disconnecting from our 3D matrix to plug into a much vaster, multidimensional picture that was the proto-matrix for creation.’ It took about half an hour to figure out what we meant by that! This is a quantum-field crystal. We felt it had a lighter, rather than higher, frequency than crystals we’d assessed previously. Something finer and purer – purity was a word that came up constantly in connection with the crystal.
It opens a new way of working for evolution that makes it a truly magical stone. The type of magic that science cannot yet explain but which will one day be accepted as science. In other words, a crystal ahead of our time. It was equated to the kind of leap made from having no computers to a world virtually run by computers. This crystal could facilitate another evolutionary jump whereby we are no longer caged in our head.
Rainbow Lattice Sunstones creates a form of scaffolding for cells to have space between them – energetically and physically – so that the gunk and toxic programming drops out. It then makes the frequencies between the dimensions and the energy bodies coherent at a lighter frequency so that beneficial genetic potential is switched on.
The amended frequency connects to the crystal oversouls and our higher selves and light-beings.
The merkeba and the alta major chakra expands and extends outside the head to the edge of the biomagnetic field (aura), linking the soul star to the earth star chakra and anchoring the stellar gateway to the Gaia gateway. This brings the lighter frequency literally to earth and integrates it (but see below).
The link from this crystal to the quantum world is too vast for us to comprehend right now but we will come to understand it as we work further with the crystal.
The expanded frequency facilitates contact with an advanced race of beings, which showed themselves as ‘star unicorns’. A very pure form of energy.

This created a new freedom to use power. But that had to be from a pure heart and with great integrity. It was the true essence of pure power – described as ‘warrior princess’ energy. Not in the least fluffy but nevertheless gentle and refined. Like ‘standing in a flowing current of creative innocence and home of the divine.’

The crystal unicorn energy encrystalled in these divinly rare stones.

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