
Gibeon Meteorite Light Language Pendant ™ 14k Gold

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A small Limited Edition group of gold pendants, I am offering.

Muonionalusta Meteorite, modern cutting, clean design set in 22k gold. The Widmanstatten crystalized pattern of the nickel-iron meteorite is especially distinct in this powerful other worldly piece.

Muonionalusta is an ancient meteorite, discovered in 1906 near the town of Kitkiöjärvi, Sweden. Lead isotope dating of inclusions within the meteorite estimates that the parent formed around 4.57 billion years ago.

Each pendant is unique & special, one of a kind, powerfully encoded, carrying codes of creation information and are intended to unlock dormant codes in the DNA and bring humanity out of the illusion of separation and back to oneness. Through these codes YOU become less programmed by the matrix and more aligned with our higher self. Thus, more authentic living with love and community support is experienced in daily life.

Constantly distributing energy around your field to convey messages- interpreted by the heart, and speaks familiarity to your soul rather than to your programmed hearing and brain. This allows you to consume information differently by expanding your senses.

Dimensions: 1.84" x .64" x .20" inches
Weight Grams: 60 carats

The frequency of the Light Language creates the geometries that are needed spatially in the person's Light body. Like a solar flare, it is a powerful burst that bypasses all other Encodements or transductions because it immediately hits the energy field without having to be broken down into other formats - like an understanding or an emotion. It immediately interacts with the Light body.

It is channeled Dynamic Frequency Encodings via Crystalline Light Stones. It adjusts to the resonance of each person's vibrational needs in the moment; initiating clearing, balancing, activation, and alignment with a new vibration of Well being.

The Language of Light Pendant is a powerful healing tool for Lightworkers on a path of Ascension and empowerment. Your heart speaks Light Language fluently.

It speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recoding your personal vibrational signature as your Higher Self activates the Light Language. Much of its clarity is within the trust of the unknown; breaking through mental barriers by opening heart barriers. Most often, it is not translated as a word-for-word transmission - it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information.

Light is a carrier vehicle of consciousness and a base unit of creational information. It is quantum in nature because it is the interaction with an observer/receiver that creates specific information from the dynamic potential of Light Language, or the metaphoric rainbow from the prism.

The 'Mastery Series'.

There exists a form of power and intelligence that represents the high point of human potential. It is the source of the greatest achievements and discoveries in history.

It is an intelligence that is not taught in our schools nor analyzed by professors, but almost all of us, at some point, have had glimpses of it in our own experience when we work intensely on a project or under a deadline - under pressure to get results, ideas seem to come to us out of nowhere;

These powers are something that great masters in all fields experience over long periods of time, and it comes to them through a process of learning and experimentation.

It is a path that all of us can follow. I discovered the elements of this process many years ago, a process of intense study of powerful.

All of us have access to this higher form of intelligence, one that can allow us to see more of the world, to anticipate trends, to respond with speed and accuracy to any circumstance. This intelligence is cultivated by deeply immersing ourselves in a field of study and staying true to our inclinations, no matter how unconventional our approach might seem to others.

Gibeon Meteorite Keys: Inner vision, spiritual awakening, interdimensional and extraterrestrial communication
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye, Crown & Heart

Meteorites are stones that originate in outer space from particles of comets, the asteroid belt, and planets and have survived the fall through Earths atmosphere. Meteorites are a gift from another world. Many cultures consider the Meteorite to be sacred and are considered to have supernatural powers. Meteorite represents the energy of other worlds and allows for the access of this special energy to the user.

The Meteorite may be used for balancing and aligning the energetic fields of the body. It enhances communication on this plane and may provide access to stored internal information relevant to ones needs. Meteorite encourages strength and stamina required for endurance. Meteorite gathers the loving energy of unknown cultures and presents it to the residents of the Earth, allowing for the realization that we are only guests on this planet. Meteorite assists with actualization of the purpose of our presence on this planet. Meteorite emits a trusting energy allowing one to be open to the exchanges of confidence. It provides introspection to the thoughts of enlightened beings and promotes the reality of All that is.

Meteorite is an excellent stone for walk-ins; providing them with a stabilizing effect with respect to unfamiliar behavior patterns and new environments. HEALING: In healing, Meteorite may be used in the treatment of anemia, strengthener for the blood and tissues, incoherence and melancholia. It may be used to assist one in understanding the physical body so that the body becomes one with the spirit. Meteorite offers strength and hope in the face of a long struggle or physical ailment. Nickel-Iron Meteorites are almost completely metallic, being composed of blended nickel and iron. These meteorites are composed of the same material that forms the Earths core, and they may come from the cores of destroyed planets or the planet forming bodies called planetesimals. These meteorites can be sliced and etched, revealing patterns of cross-hatched lines, called Widmanstatten figures. These meteorites, in ancient times, were considered as a prized source of metal for making weapons.

Nickel-Iron Meteorite's high vibration intensity activates the kundalini channel along the spine. Nickel-Iron Meteorites are powered with the energies of the stars. Nickel-Iron Meteorite facilitates great awakenings and changes take the leap supported by the cosmic energies of Nickel-Iron Meteorite and enjoy the journey. Nickel-Iron Meteorites helps one develop patience on the spiritual path. Nickel-Iron Meteorites helps one find the spiritual in the most mundane of daily tasks and the enjoyment of the structure of routine in ones life.

Nickel-Iron Meteorite stimulates the right action honoring the gifts of spiritual awakening and transformation. The energy of Nickel-Iron Meteorite combines well with Moldavite, Libyan Gold Tektite, and Tibetan Tektites.

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