The Luminescent Pleiadian Green Andara assists with the connection of those who are Light Grid Keepers of the Earth in being in service to Humanity.
A rare power piece from my personal collection, which has been in my keeping for 15 years. (no discounts on this piece)
I come now before Thy flame to request healing in God's name. I stand with my God Presence to be liberated and healed from all physical burdens through Thy Healing Light and Love. I also ask to be healed from all etheric scars, mental and emotional traumas from this life and from the past.
Flame of Healing of purest green, bless my form and make me whole! Pour comfort into my soul and enlightenment for my mind. I AM God's Perfection manifest in body, mind and soul. I AM God's Healing Light flowing to make me whole. I AM the Master Presence charging all my bodies with Love. Beloved God Presence, as I transform my consciousness, Let heaven's perfection manifest in my daily life, Send thy Ray of Healing upon my soul!
I AM Christ Presence charging me with Thy Radiant Healing Light until I become the full manifestation of that Light
Dimensions 1.95" x 2.92" x 1.8" inches
Weight 94 grams
Andara’, meaning ‘Light of Beauty and Perfection’
These come from one of the Earth’s high-energy vortex sites in the High Sierra Nevada's of northern California, Lady Nellies Land
Andaras Bring Gifts of:
Automatically expand your state of awareness
Increased access to universal knowledge
Activates the ability to channeling
Accelerates the spiritual development process
Creates a bridge between ethereal and physical dimensions
Manifest and create automatically by inserting your intention
into the Andara's Energy Field
Clears and Balances Chakras Automatically
Builds trust within Automatically
Focuses on Working through the Heart
Raises your frequency of energy to a much higher rate