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Azozeo Lemurian Light Quartz Crystal Wand & Record Keeper

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"This Azozeo Super Activated Lemurian Light Quartz crystal wand is used to direct the user's will or intention. It is used to focus power, magic, energy and direction. Excellent for energy work, healing, blessings, space clearing, summoning helpful spirits, sacred circle creation and more.

Lemurian Crystal Laser Wands are ideal tools for chakra activation, aura repair, stimulation of the meridian system, and magnifying the energies of other stones for healing and/or consciousness expansion.

It is a powerful stone that can create a vortex of energy to pass through it and to the area you are working on, or chakra center you are working on.

Dimensions 4.78" x .90" x .57" inches
Weight 1.9 oz - 52 grams

Crystal Properties: Record Keepers (Sunken), Pleiadian Starbrary, Azozeo Activated

Master Record Keeper

THE RAISED RECORD KEEPER crystal is by far the most common form found today. It is recognized by raised triangles that appear on the main facets of the stone's termination, pointing 'upward' toward the apex of the termination. While these triangles may appear or 'pop' suddenly they are just as likely to be already visible when one first receives the stone. Raised Record Keepers activate cellular memory and assist in retrieving information from one's lineage or past lives. These stones tend not to be preprogrammed with information; rather they work as a key to unlock what is recorded within one's own cellular structure.

Each triangle appears as a trigger to activate a specific chain link on the Dna . When working with these stones, it is not unusual for triangles to rise and disappear as aspects of one's cellular memory are cleared and integrated and new aspects are activated. The SUNKEN RECORD KEEPER is indicated by an upward -pointing triangle that appears to be cut into the stone and recedes into the surface of the crystal.

These are similar to 'keyholes' in the surface of the facet but distinctly triangular in shape. The sunken record keeper is a 'true' record keeper and they are much rarer than the raised record keeper crystals. while the the raised record keeper crystal activates cellular memory so information can be retrieved from one's own internal data banks, the sunken record keepers contains a data bank of information in the stone itself.

Usually, this information was recorded during the lifetimes of ancient civilizations and the Star Seed nations has also been recovered. Generally, only the soul who originally programmed the crystal will be able to fully access its information, though the triangle may be visible and the crystal usable by others.


The Starbrary Mission. The language of the Starbrary is similar to that of Lemurian Seed Crystals, but more complex due to the incredible amount of information each one contains. They are also thought to contain information required to help the Earth at a time of extreme global need or crisis. It follows, therefore, that these amazing and significant crystals are beginning to become available in various parts of the world, so that their reach to Light Workers will be on a global scale.

Pleiadian Starbrary from the Pleiadian System, are recognized by the geometric symbols along their sides - circles, squares, triangles These have the strongest energetic links with the people of both Atlantis and Lemuria.

An Inner Child Crystal is a smaller, fully formed crystal that is half in and half out of the main crystal. This type of crystal will assist in communications, teaching, and a clear understanding between self and another.

These crystals allow the holder to balance between the inner world and outer, receiving information from one (inner) and sharing it with the other (outer). It also reminds me of our sweet, innocent, Inner child, wrapped closely within the arms of the mother (main crystal) while peeking its head out to face a particular issue and being able to heal that issue in a safe emotional environment.

Azozeo Super Activated Crystals

Azozeo is the name of a new type of Super Activated Crystals and a word used to awaken them. It is a way of calling to the Azez, angelic stewards of the nameless light.

Azozeo Super Activated Crystals carry much higher frequencies than the non-activated versions of the same stones. They emanate powerful currents of subtle matter/energy, or Celestial Fire. They provide a more powerful, clearer and more elevated version of the characteristic of each crystals vibrations. They expand awareness to higher realms, actualize spiritual capacities and open one to enlightenment.

Azozeo is an ancient word, discovered in the 2000-year-old Book of Leou. It was used to call upon powerful angelic beings (believed to be the same angels, the Azez, who awakened the energies of Azeztulite) for the purpose of spiritual ascension. This word was used (in combination with an Azeztulite labyrinth and pyramid, plus two large powerful Phenacite Crystals), to stimulate certain crystals to a higher level of energy and power. This is why we named the newly activated stones Azozeo Crystals. Only stones exposed to this powerful energy field can be designated by the name Azozeo Crystals.
Simmons writes: "Azozeo Super Activated Crystals act as powerful conduits to bring through the flood of Celestial Fire-the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun which has now begun to bathe the Earth. Like a tide coming in, this energy is destined to uplift all of humanity and earth to a new level of being. As we stand here at the beginning of this new era, the Azozeo Crystals function as 'grounding wires' through which the initial surges of Divine currents can pass. We are urged to work with these stones and allow ourselves to be pillars of light, acting to conduct Celestial Fire into the world through our own being. We can do this through meditation with these stones, through utilizing them in energy grids and healing layouts, through wearing them or through planting them ritually in the Earth.

"When one spends time attuning to Azozeo Crystals, the currents one feel's entering the body are not mere ephemeral energy-they are streams of subtle matter which bond to the gross matter in every cell and molecule of the body in a way that spiritualizes them, aligns them, 'teaches' them to open themselves to the Light. This can increase the development of the Mind of the Body. This is an intelligence which resides in the entire Liquid Crystal Body Matrix, and which is an aspect of enlightenment. The ultimate power of Azozeo Crystals is to trigger the rapid, full and mutual enlightenment of humanity and the Earth."

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