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John of God Quartz Casa Crystal Integration Transmitter & Pleiadian Starbrary

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Rare John of God Quartz Casa Crystal Integration Transmitter & Pleiadian Starbrary. Blessed and energized by the entities who work with and through John of God.

Pleiadian Starbary Crystals & The Starbrary Mission.

The language of the Starbrary is similar to that of Lemurian Seed Crystals, but more complex due to the incredible amount of information each one contains. They are also thought to contain information required to help the Earth at a time of extreme global need or crisis. It follows, therefore, that these amazing and significant crystals are beginning to become available in various parts of the world, so that their reach to Light Workers will be on a global scale.

Pleiadian Starbrary from the Pleiadian System, are recognized by the geometric symbols along their sides - circles, squares, triangles These have the strongest energetic links with the people of both Atlantis and Lemuria.

Dimensions  4.8" x 3.44" x 2.6" inches
Weight: 982 grams | 2 lbs 2.6 oz
Additional Crystal Properties: Master Integration Transmitter, Pleiadian Starbrary
Authenticity Card
Origin: Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania, Brazil

Master Integration Transmitter Crystals

This configuration represents the end of apprenticeship and the beginning of autonomous action. One has received the knowledge that was necessary to understand one’s path, and now one must begin to apply the knowledge of the real world. In the past, it was more accepted for one to spend one’s life in monastic isolation, supported in the pursuit of spiritual knowledge. By becoming a monk, nun, spiritual ascetic, or other dedicated seeker, one could remove oneself from the concerns of the world and focus solely on the concerns of the soul.

This is the level of learning taught by the Initiation crystal. In current times, however we are being asked to bring our spiritual learning and knowledge to the world, rather than hiding it behind temple walls. This is much more difficult task, since it requires the integration of the Spirit into every level of one’s life – even when one’s practice consists of going to work, cooking meals, cleaning house, taking children to practice or other events, and generally living a ‘normal’ life, with consciousness.

At this level of vibration, it is no longer enough to simply ‘get high’ on energy and knowledge. It is necessary to bring the frequency into one’s body and ground it into every action one takes.

This is the frequency and teaching of the Integration crystal. The integration crystal allows one to perceive how to live, act and react from a centered place of spiritual understanding. It is about applying one’s learning to real life situations and balancing the life of the soul with physical life. The Integration crystal assists one in perceiving what aspects of one’s life are in alignment with spiritual purpose, and which aspects must change in order to reflect ones spiritual knowledge. While the Initiation crystal configuration is about receiving knowledge and information, The Integration crystal s about directing energy into the world and the cosmos. It is through the process of directing higher energy into the world that one comes to understand and utilize one’s own power.


John of God Crystals are imbued with the healing light and compassionate energy of the entities of Casa Dom Ignacio, Abadiania, Brazil. For over 30 years, Medium Joao ("John of God") has been channeling these entities of light, love, compassion, and peace, bringing miraculous healings to millions of visitors. The Crystals are originally sourced from mines mostly in Goias, central Brazil, not far from the Casa. Once at the Casa, the crystals are programmed by the entities of the Casa Dom Ignacio, specifically to benefit the healing of all people touched by the Casa energy.

A ray of light is a metaphor for divine energy. Crystals play with light, direct it, concentrate it and magnify it. That is why a gem sparkles when you hold it in your hand. Now, imagine that the sparkle you see when you hold a crystal from the Casa in your hand, or on your body is not the sparkle of light, but instead it is divine healing energy entering your body. As the energy enters your body it re tunes the energies that are there, returning them to the vibration of peace and harmony that you are when your spirit is not in a body. Your body is an imperfect container created by you and for you as a learning tool. The healing that you receive from the entities of the Casa through these crystals is part of that lesson. The healing will remind you, both consciously and unconsciously of what you willingly forgot when you chose to accept the Adventure of Earth.

You can work with Casa Crystals in any way that you will allow. They will provide their returning function whether or not you use them with intention. However, when used with intention, Casa Crystals become much more powerful, and you will begin to see manifold and manifest change in your life.

Metaphysical Properties of Clear Quartz:

Key – Programmability, amplification of one's intention, healing, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, memory enhancement.
Chakras - All
Element – storm
Numerical vibration – 4,7

Clear quartz has both piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties, so quartz crystals will respond to heat and pressure by changing their electrical polarities, and by radiating energies. Quartz crystals are ideal for receiving, storing, amplifying and transmitting energy. They are used in computers, liquid crystal display watches, radios, radar systems and many other types of advanced technologies.

Metaphysically, clear quartz crystals have been prized for their ability to transmit healing energies and to attune the bearer to the higher vibrational frequencies of spiritual realms, which exist beyond the visible spectrum of light. Clear quartz amplifies the energy of thoughts and emotions, and can be used to facilitate communication with Angelic Realms, with spiritual guides and teachers, and with other sensitive individuals around the world.

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