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John of God Crystal 24 Sided Vogel Healing Quartz Wand 'Rainbow Warrior' (RESERVED FOR NP)

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"The Soul, the intention of life force, is to bring life into being. When the Soul enters the unit cell, it draws to itself the replication of its own image. You see that with crystals and with God and man." - Marcel



* Dimensions  14 oz | 400 grams
* Weight  5.7" x 2" x 2" inches
* Crystal Properties: Rainbows
* Authenticity Card

"A powerful tool, Ideal for use by vibrational healers, Reiki therapists and other energy workers"

24-sided Vogel Wands are a master healer and can be used for any condition.

Ability to create a casual reality with others with a focused consciousness, effective in receiving information or create spaces of thought. 

They are loco motivators; the little engine that could multiply infinity to the infinite power, that covers every spectrum of every reality. It can be used as a powerful cleanup crew, and excellent and efficient manifestor tools.

||| John of God Crystals |||

John John of God Crystals are imbued with the healing light and compassionate energy of the entities of Casa Dom Ignacio, Abadiania, Brazil. For over 30 years, Medium Joao ("John of God") has been channeling these entities of light, love, compassion, and peace, bringing miraculous healings to millions of visitors. The Crystals are originally sourced from mines mostly in Goias, central Brazil, not far from the Casa.

Each week the Casa receives deliveries of water, and crystals of different kinds. Once at the Casa, the water and crystals are programmed by the entities of the Casa Dom Ignacio, specifically to benefit the healing of all people touched by the Casa energy.

A ray of light is a metaphor for divine energy. Crystals play with light, direct it, concentrate it and magnify it. That is why a gem sparkles when you hold it in your hand. Now, imagine that the sparkle you see when you hold Casa Crystals in your hand, or on your body is not the sparkle of light, but instead it is divine healing energy entering your body. As the energy enters your body it re tunes the energies that are there, returning them to the vibration of peace and harmony that you are when your spirit is not in a body. Your body is an imperfect container created by you and for you as a learning tool.

The healing that you receive from the entities of the Casa through these crystals is part of that lesson. The healing will remind you, both consciously and unconsciously of what you willingly forgot when you chose to accept the Adventure of Earth.

You can work with Casa Crystals in any way that you will allow. They will provide their returning function whether or not you use them with intention. However, when used with intention, Casa Crystals become much more powerful, and you will begin to see manifold and manifest change in your life.

Your instinct is to push away that which would help you. This is a normal response because when you encounter a higher vibration it works on you like sandpaper against your skin. You shy away from this discomfort naturally to avoid the pain. But the fine gem must be cut and polished from the rough rock, and in this process suffer the pain and waste of the grinding wheel. So too must you endeavor to keep yourself focused to stay against the grinding wheel, to stay in the divine healing current so that you can be that fine sparkling gem that you were meant to be.

For many years medium Joao has worked in this service in a small town in central Brazil. And now the time has arrived for his work to be more available to people around the world. He is a medium of extraordinary ability yet we are all mediums and capable of miraculous things.

Working with the entities of the Casa will help you to find healing and in so doing, to expand your natural gifts, your mediumship, and your abilities to heal others.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Nora P
John of God Vogel. This arrived this morning and WOW it is Absolutely Stunning.

More Beautiful in real life than I could Ever Imagined. I want to thank you So Very Much Shilona The Quality Is Mind blowing and I Hugely Recommend Doorways To Power To anyone who is after supreme Quality Crystals
Can't Thank You Enough.