
Golden Rutilated Quartz Manifestation Quartz Isis Crystal 'The Illuminator'

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'The Illuminator'

By cleansing and recharging all chakras, the Rutilated Quartz crystal meaning is associated with its powerful cleansing and purifying effects. It consists of clear Quartz, a big time energy conductor and magnifier, making it a popular healing tool for crystal healing medicine.

Rutilated Quartz simply sizzles with energy. It feels almost electrified. It is very programmable and can be used to magnify the energy of practically any intention or affirmation. When doing this, one is advised to visualize the energy of the programmed intent to be whizzing along the rutile threads like energy singing through the wires of the circuit. Then visualize the crystal, with one's point of awareness still inside, broadcasting the programmed energy into the universe as an antenna broadcasts radio waves.

Dimensions 4.46" x 6.2" x 1.27" inches
Weight: 680 grams - 1.5 lb.

Rutilated Quartz helps one know instantly if a persons or situation carries good or bad 'vibes'. It amplifies intentions
and emotions. It quickens the processes of manifestation, intuition, emotional catharsis, psychic opening, consciousness expansion and inter dimensional travel.

A Manifestation Quartz: must have the entire inner crystal within the mother crystal.

Rare Manifestation Quartz Crystals vibrate to the number 99 which represents the higher octave of 9. Of all single digit numbers, 9 is the most profound. It is composed of three trinities (3 times 3 equals 9), nine represents the principles of the sacred Triad taken to their utmost expression.

Nine is considered thrice sacred and represents perfection, balance, order - in effect, the supreme superlative. The number 9 represents selflessness and universal awareness, fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion, impersonal, generosity, forgiveness, humanitarian & universal truths.

' The Manifest Spirit Isis Crystals '

displays a five-sided face on front of the crystal termination representing the five elements of Earth. Fire, Water, Wind and Storm. The number five also represents the expression of Spirit energy through form and has been traditionally linked to the Goddess archetype. The Sacred pentagon formed by those 5 sides stimulates one's connection to the Divine Source. Particularly the nurturing and creative energy of the Goddess or Great Mother.

These crystals have the ability to guide one in connecting with the archetypal Goddess energy and in giving birth to one's dreams through action. In meditation, the Manifest Spirit Crystal can help guide one to connect with the Divine Source and to channel that energy through the physical body into expression on the Earth plane. This quartz configuration is particularly useful for those who are willing to dedicate their lives and essences to expressing Divine energy in this realm of matter.

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