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Golden Lemurian Phantom Manifestation Quartz Crystal 'Levels'

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Rare & Magnificent Deep Golden Healer Lemurian Phantom Manifestation Quartz Crystal Point A+++

A Manifestation Quartz: must have the entire inner crystal within the mother crystal.

Rare Manifestation Quartz Crystals vibrate to the number 99 which represents the higher octave of 9. Of all single digit numbers, 9 is the most profound. It is composed of three trinities (3 times 3 equals 9), nine represents the principles of the sacred Triad taken to their utmost expression.

Nine is considered thrice sacred and represents perfection, balance, order - in effect, the supreme superlative. The number 9 represents selflessness and universal awareness, fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion, impersonal, generosity, forgiveness, humanitarian & universal truths.

This piece is extraordinary and has been fully polished to show the clarity, phantoms and Rainbows...

Dimensions 3.6" x 2.63" x 2.03" inches
Weight: 426 grams ' 15 oz
Properties: Manifestation Quartz, Phantoms.

Phantoms look like the "ghost" of a crystal within another crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and then begins to grow again.

Your Phantom is this: at some point several million years ago the crystal grew to a certain height and shape and then its nutritional source was shut off. Then at some later time, new solution flowed in and the crystal began to grow again, but totally within the boundaries of its original framework, rather than taking new forms or directions.

In other words, the crystal grew beyond its original plan or expectations due to new incoming nutrients that provided the opportunity for continued growth and expansion within its original form. Focusing on a Phantom Crystal can remind you that you are always well protected during these times of new growth. Just be patient and trust that your own additional nutrition will show up right on schedule exactly when you need it, in the quantities you need it or can assimilate.

Lemurian Seed Crystals originated in a place known as Mu or Lemuria. according to the legend this civilization, was a peaceful and highly developed spiritual civilization that existed over 12 million years ago in the area of the South Pacific. The area is now beneath the sea.

The Lemurians are believed to have foreseen a cataclysmic event, and prepared the Seed Crystals to preserve their knowledge and traditions. During the last days of their civilization, the Lemurians decided to plant seed crystals programmed to transmit a message of oneness. Having seeded the crystals, most of the Lemurians left this planet for other star systems, perhaps as light beings or spirits. Others went into the inner earth where they continue to care for the earth and the seed crystals now surfacing.

The Golden Healer Lemurians have a very powerful energy signature.

This Golden healer crystal is completely infused with a beautiful golden color are much more rare and energetically powerful than those with a mere coating of iron oxide.

These golden healer Lemurians occur naturally with multiple striations. All types of Lemurian crystals are considered more valuable when these striations have been left intact & not polished off of the crystals. Lemurians exhibiting multiple striations are thought to contain information from ancient civilizations.

Lemuria is said to have been an intuitive, spiritual civilization. Lemurian crystals are tuned to energies of unity, and help us to balance the spiritual and physical aspects of our lives. Place the striations on the third eye or place the finger on the striations while meditating, or just place the crystal on your meditation cushion or altar nearby you.

You can backlight these Lemurian crystals and scan them with a jeweler's loupe to observe the finely etched hieroglyphics that become visible when the striations are magnified. They are said to resemble Sanskrit lettering and contain the records of each crystal's experiences and of the Lemurian civilization. Lemurian crystals are tuned to energies of unity, and help us to balance the spiritual and physical aspects of our lives.

The Lemurian civilization's artifacts have been recently rediscovered by Lightworkers whose energy and auric signatures resonate harmonically with the energy of the original Lemurian sages and healers. The Lemurians were said to be Stewards of the Earth.

The Lemurian quartz crystals have been identified as tools of the present era's Lightworkers whose task is to preserve the environment -- those known as Protectors of Mother Earth.

These Protectors often use Lemurian crystals to unify their energies with lightworkers throughout the world and beyond, to perform collective meditations for the benefit of the environment and all the beings who dwell on our Blue-Green Planet.

Healers we have spoken to about the Lemurian crystals say that these stones have a warmth and power that they have not seen before. And we can say from personal experience using Lemurians in a clinical setting with people with chronic and life threatening illness, that these stones can open and soothe the heart chakra and the emotional body, bringing comfort and deep relaxation. They are ideal for use by vibrational healers, Reiki therapists, and other energy workers.

Because Lemurian seed crystals are associated with the Protectors of the Earth, this crystal can be used in meditation to transmit healing energy to large groups of people, to Lightworkers connected to the Christ consciousness grid surrounding the planet, and to large geographic areas where turbulent weather or political conditions prevail.

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