Golden Labradorite & Moldavite Tektite Eye of Horus Stargate Necklace Pendant & Ancient Egyptian Protection Talisman.
This handmade Eye of Horus Pendant is a spiritual necklace that has the magical power to heal, protect and unify the human being. It is a symbol connected with great power since the time of ancient Egypt.
The myth maintains Horus' left eye was removed. The left eye was believed to be connected to the moon as it could be seen being ripped out of the sky with the effect of the moon's waxing and waning. Thoth, an Egyptian deity, allegedly restores Horus' eye, resulting in his eye becoming known as Wadjet, meaning whole or healthy. The restoration of the eye also represented the change from chaos back to order, paralleling the Egyptian concept of perfect order or Ma'at.
The Eye of Horus is connected with the pineal gland, which is believed to be the third eye. Modern scientific research regards the pineal gland as an old photoreceptor. In certain species it is linked to a parietal eye also called a third eye.
Philosophers, such as Rene Descartes, believed the pineal gland was the seat of the soul.
What is the Eye of Horus magic?
Also called the Wedjat, the left eye of Horus was revered by ancient Egyptians for its mystical protective qualities and connection to the Moon and Thoth, God of magic. Horus's Right Eye, also known as the Udjat, is linked to Ra, the Sun God. ... The Eye of Horus is particularly helpful for victims of psychic attacks
The Eye of Horus was the symbol of protection, royal power and good health. ... The Eye of Horus, or Wedjet Eye, is the opposite of evil.
It represents the eye of God watching over humanity .
Dimensions 1.34" x 0.55" x 0.28" inches
Comes with complimentary 18" Sterling Silver chain
Golden Labradorite Keys: Right use of will, clarity, confidence, power, vitality, creativity, purposefulness .
When cut into gems, Golden Labradorite can exhibit an uncommon brilliance. Golden Labradorite is one of the best stones for working with the third chakra. It represents the solar qualities of Labradortite-inner strength, vitality, courage, clear thinking, endurance, mental activity, spiritual focus and purposefulness. It can calm the emotions through increased clarity of mind, and can help one see the Divine pattern in ones daily struggles. In dream work, it can assist one in consciously awakening in the higher planes and in bribing back the important.
Golden Labradortite takes one not only into communion with the energies of our own sun, but through a thread of light it also connects with the Great Central Sun, the home and origin of consciousness in the Universe.This is Golden Labradorties greatest gift. The Great Central Sun is the spiritual center of the Universe, existing in the etheric realm. It is constantly surrounded by the multitudes of orbiting angels, and it is from this domain that the "music of the spheres" emanates.
In meditation, one can follow the golden thread of golden labradortites energy into this realm, and if the journey is completed one will never forget it. It will permanently infuse one's consciousness with awe, reverence and gratitude, and a sense of the magnificent perfections of ALL-THAT-IS.
Moldavite Keys - Transformation, Rapid Spiritual Evolution, Chakra activation, Cleansing, Protection, Increased incidence of Synchronicities.
Chakras: All, especially heart (4th) third eye (6th)
Moldavite is a rare bottle-green translucent stone of unearthly origins. Scientists postulate that a meteor shower in the Moldau Valley of Czechoslovakia some 15-20 million years ago caused extra-terrestrial material to fuse with earthly rock formations at very high heat, forming fused glass -- the only moldavite known to exist. Moldavites are the rarest of gems, perhaps more rare than diamonds, rubies or emeralds.
Moldavites have been prized for over 25,000 years, since archaeologists have discovered moldavite shards and pieces in cave dwellings of that era.
"Moldavite is known as the "Grail Stone". Legends say that the Holy Grail was formed out of a green stone that fell from Lucifer's crown as he descended from his heavenly abode to Hell, impelled by the force of a blow from the sword of Michael the Archangel. Until recently it was assumed the Grail Stone was emerald, but recently metaphysical rock hounds have suggested that the true Grail Stone is moldavite, a translucent green gemstone that fell from the sky millions of years ago.
Moldavite activates any and all of the chakras and also opens the mind to the limitless possibilities inherent in its cosmic origins. Moldavite's energy tends to dissipate blocks throughout the energy system and then center energy in the heart, opening the heart to universal love.