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Golden Aura Pleiadian Starbrary Record Keeper Twin Quartz Isis Crystal Time Link 'Activation'

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Golden Aura Pleiadian Starbrary Record Keeper Twin Quartz Isis Crystal Time Link  'ACTIVATION' Rare, Highly Energized & Stunning!

Golden Aura Quartz is our name for Quartz crystals treated with a new type of energy-enhancing coating. Like the Angel Aura and Aqua Aura crystals we have offered for many years, Golden Aura Quartz crystals have been subjected to a special secret process in which they are placed in a sealed chamber, while being heated and electrified, and are exposed to the presence the vapors of various metal salts. In the case of Golden Aura Quartz, the formula of metals is not disclosed, although we know that titanium and iron are two of the ingredients. The beauty of the finished specimens is amazing, as are their energies." —RS

Dimensions 2.08" x 2.11" x 2" inches
Weight: 88 grams
Crystal Properties: Record Keeper, Portal Time Link (Right Facing), Manifest Spirit Isis, Pleiadian Starbrary

||| Master Record Keeper |||

The raised record keeper crystal is by far the most common form found today. It is recognized by raised triangles that appear on the main facets of the stone's termination, pointing 'upward' toward the apex of the termination. While these triangles may appear or 'pop' suddenly they are just as likely to be already visible when one first receives the stone. Raised Record Keepers activate cellular memory and assist in retrieving information from one's lineage or past lives. These stones tend not to be preprogrammed with information; rather they work as a key to unlock what is recorded within one's own cellular structure.

Each triangle appears as a trigger to activate a specific chain link on the Dna . When working with these stones, it is not unusual for triangles to rise and disappear as aspects of one's cellular memory are cleared and integrated and new aspects are activated. THE SUNKEN RECORD KEEPER is indicated by an upward -pointing triangle that appears to be cut into the stone and recedes into the surface of the crystal.

These are similar to 'keyholes' in the surface of the facet but distinctly triangular in shape. The sunken record keeper is a 'true' record keeper and they are much rarer than the raised record keeper crystals. while the the raised record keeper crystal activates cellular memory so information can be retrieved from one's own internal data banks, the sunken record keepers contains a data bank of information in the stone itself. Usually, this information was recorded during the lifetimes of ancient civilizations and the Star Seed nations has also been recovered. Generally, only the soul who originally programmed the crystal will be able to fully access its information, though the triangle may be visible and the crystal usable by others.

Portal Time Link (RIGHT FACING)

Portal quartz can be used to access other dimensions, times and realms of existence. Portal Quartz configurations consist of a parallelogram that creates a seven face on the termination of the crystal. When looking at the main face of the stone, this parallelogram can be either on the left or right side. Occasionally a Portal will appear which exhibits both of these at once. The direction of the parallelogram indicates the type of Journey one will be able to take in meditation with the stone.

A left - facing parallelogram activates the right side of the brain enabling one to access visions, emotional experiences and healing information. A parallelogram on the right side of the main face activates the left side of the brain, allowing one to access information on technologies, sciences, processes and structures of a more linear nature.
Generally a right - facing portal will connect one with life times, dimensions and beings that can assist in emotional healing and intuitive work: While a left facing Portal will connect one with lifetimes, dimensions and beings that reveal technologies and sciences that could be helpful in our evolution and cognitive development.

A portal Quartz can be used effectively in alternate-life healing work. All lifetimes occur simultaneously and healing or growth in one lifetime affects all others. Generally a right facing portal can be used to heal emotional wounds from the past or from past lives. Left facing Portals can be used to explore future lives and to envision one's future desires for this lifetime. Right - Directed Portals can assist one in perceiving the Karmic roots for current life situations, while left directed portals can assist one in perceiving the karmic effects of one's current life choices.

The Manifest Spirit Isis Crystal

Displays a five-sided face on front of the crystal termination representing the five elements of Earth. Fire, Water, Wind and Storm. The number five also represents the expression of Spirit energy through form and has been traditionally linked to the Goddess archetype. The Sacred pentagon formed by those 5 sides stimulates one's connection to the Divine Source. Particularly the nurturing and creative energy of the Goddess or Great Mother.

These crystals have the ability to guide one in connecting with the archetypal Goddess energy and in giving birth to one's dreams through action. In meditation, the Manifest Spirit Crystal can help guide one to connect with the Divine Source and to channel that energy through the physical body into expression on the Earth plane. This quartz configuration is particularly useful for those who are willing to dedicate their lives and essences to expressing Divine energy in this realm of matter.


Pleiadian Starbrary from the Pleiadian System, are recognized by the geometric symbols along their sides - circles, squares, triangles These have the strongest energetic links with the people of both Atlantis and Lemuria.

The Starbrary Mission. The language of the Starbrary is similar to that of Lemurian Seed Crystals, but more complex due to the incredible amount of information each one contains. They are also thought to contain information required to help the Earth at a time of extreme global need or crisis.

|| Tantric Twin Crystals ||

Are crystals who share a common base but who have two separate and distinct points (terminations). They are literally two heads on one body.

The word tantra itself is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning union. Your most important union is always first with your True Self. The ultimate union is when your Soul becomes one with you Original Source, whether that be Life Force, All That Is, or God.

Tantric Twins single-mindedly work to assist you with human relationships of any kind. They prepare you to allow your twin essence or soulmate into your life at a very high energy level. Tantric Twins are extremely effective while working with the bond of two individuals who are already intimately connected. a Tantric Twin is a terrific choices for two people who are already deeply unified and wish to explore and strengthen the bond further, taking the relationship beyond this experience.

It has been said, the Tantric Twin helps one see through the illusions of Time and Space and begin their process of understanding the non-spatial concepts of Nirvana, a place of awareness totally devoid of content, the place of Non-Being

Customer Reviews

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Golden Aura Pleidian Starbrary Bliss

This Amazing Golden Aura Pleidian Starbrary Master Record Keeper Reflected Cities of Lights and Ancient Civilizations.