"Girasol Quartz is a milky or foggy-looking variety of translucent quartz that can resemble opal or moonstone. It is named after Girasol Opal, and the term 'girasol”'comes from an Italian word that means 'turn toward the sun.' Girasol Quartz is excellent for emotional healing. It nourishes the emotional body and instills a current of gentleness. This stone is ideal to keep beside one’s bed for dreaming, as it provides links to the unconscious and the inner realms. It facilitates the inner alchemy of beneficial change through entering the deepest realms of Silence." —RS
Dimensions: 3.4" x 2.3" x 1.7" inches
Weight: 232.5 grams | 8.2 ounces
Rainbows in Crystals will appear as internal fractures (foils) Rainbows are the closest manifestations of Pure White Light that can be witnessed on this plane. Rainbows unite and integrates heaven and earth. On special Occasions rainbows choose to live within the the world of a crystal, displaying their magic to us. Truly a gift from the Universe if you are Blessed to receive one of these.