Clear Quartz Crystal Sculpture & Power Stone with Rainbows, has been powerfully blessed & energized by the entities of light whom work through the casa in Brazil, one the worlds most powerful vortexes in the world, that sits on a crystal plate 270 miles in diameter.
“The Invisible World reveals to us this Truth within its silence.”
“Many of us have had Oracle experiences, though we may not have called them that.
Have you had the feeling there’s a guardian angel looking out for you? Or heard an inner voice that is not your own? Gotten a profound insight that you would not have otherwise considered? Had your prayers answered? Especially in an unexpected way? These are a few of the ways that the invisible world guides us.”
Dimensions 3" x 1.93" x 1.55" inches
Weight 162 grams | 5.7 oz
Authenticity Card
Origin: Casa de Dom, Brazil
There is Wisdom, a light that is the breath of the divine energy. This Wisdom is a ray, a brilliance, a mirror, and is the manifestation of the divine energies. It moves everything. it rules over and emanates Nature; it is invisible and a maintaining fire, an inscrutable power of the uncreated interior. When it leaves the creations it immediately goes to the grace of God, to the Holy Spirit. This is what the true alchemists were after. It is found both outside and inside oneself.
Clear Quartz Keys – Programmability, amplification of one's intention, healing, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, memory enhancement.
Chakras - All
Clear quartz has both piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties, so quartz crystals will respond to heat and pressure by changing their electrical polarities, and by radiating energies. Quartz crystals are ideal for receiving, storing, amplifying and transmitting energy. They are used in computers, liquid crystal display watches, radios, radar systems and many other types of advanced technologies.
Metaphysically, clear quartz crystals have been prized for their ability to transmit healing energies and to attune the bearer to the higher vibrational frequencies of spiritual realms, which exist beyond the visible spectrum of light. Clear quartz amplifies the energy of thoughts and emotions, and can be used to facilitate communication with Angelic Realms, with spiritual guides and teachers, and with other sensitive individuals around the world.