
Charoite Cosmic Egg Crystal 'Bird of Light'

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In Ancient Egypt, an egg was revered as the origin of the world. One version of the creation myth mentions the cosmic egg hatching the 'bird of light'. ... Christianity adopted eggs as a symbol of fertility, resurrection, and eternal life.

The ancients imagined that the universe was hatched from a primordial egg. The egg has captivated humans and it has become a symbol of life, fertility, generation and re-generation. To the Alchemists it was analoguous to the Macrocosm, the universe.

This embryo of the universe has been called the world egg, cosmic egg or mundane egg by the mythic traditions of Man.

Upon seeing the eggs of animals they must have wondered at the world contained within the shell, and the sun in the center....

In alchemy the egg stands for the chaos apprehended by the artifex, the prima materia containing the captive world-soul. Out of the egg - symbolized by the round cooking vessel - will rise the eagle or phoenix, the liberated soul, which is ultimately identical with the Anthropos who was imprisoned in the embrace of Physis.

Scientists now say that 13.8 billion years ago the entire universe was existed as a gravitational singularity, an infinitesimally small point from which all of creation was born - the cosmic egg.

Dimensions: 2" x 1.46" x 1.46" inches
Weight 94 grams - 3.2 oz

Keys: Revealing of one's path of service, purging of inner negativity, protections, healing.
Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), Soul Star (8th), Solar Plexus (5th), Root (1st), Earthstar (below the feet)

It can protect one from psychic attack and dispel the tendency to have bad dreams. It facilitates the release of unconscious fears, serving as a catalyst for the healing and transmutation of old patterns of imbalance. It can help one with past life memories and integrate the lessons of past life experience. For those suffering from difficult to diagnose maladies that have their roots in internationalized negativity or fear, Charoite can be a powerful aid for releasing such things. It can help one merge the heart and crown chakra energies,allowing for deeper spiritual insights in an inner climate of unconditional love.

Working with Charoite can increase the likelihood of synchronicities in one's life. If one learns to notice these and the messages they imply, one can move through life as if guided by a golden thread, and the pathless path of one's highest potential will be revealed.

Charoite blends energies synergistically with Moldavite, Phenacite, Seraphinite, Petalite, Amethyst, Kunzite and Blue Apatite. For those using Charoite as protection from negative energies, Sugilite, Jet, Black Tourmaline and Smokey Quartz are all good allies.

Charoite's energy activated the latent inner knowledge that can lead you to your path of service to the world. Its energy opens the third eye and crown and soul star chakras, allowing one to connect with guidance and events that will reveal one's true nature path of service. Secondarily, it opens and clears the solar plexus, first chakra and Earthstar, allowing one to manifests one's path of service on the earth plane.

The black dendritic formations in Charoite assist in grounding high frequency energy into the physical world. This helps one remain grounded and focused as one engages more fully on the spiritual level. The calcite inclusions within the swirling purple folds of Charoite can help overcome any resistance to necessary changes. Calcites ability to re move hindrances works in Charoite to dissolve ones blockages about serving one's power and spiritual path.

Charoite can also assist in acclimating to high frequency vibrations. It is excellent for healers or others who work with these energies, as it assists in both regulating their flow through the body and in grounding excess energy to prevent psychic burnout. For those who focus exclusively on raising their vibrations and have forgotten to ground, Charoite can be a valuable reminder to bring that high-frequency down to Earth and apply it in 3-D reality. It helps one overcome spiritual escapism and encourages one to assume responsibility for
grounding spiritual energy where it is most needed-on earth.

Part of manifesting spiritual energy on earth is delving deeply into one's own personal healing and innerwork. Charoite assists one in recognizing where one still needs to work on one's own issues, and in revealing the most direct path to that healing. In the process of this self work, one becomes a more effective catalyst for healing others. By resonating with Charoites energy , one's own inner work becomes one's first path of service in the world.

Charoite is a clear strict and powerful teacher. When one veers from one's appointed path, engages in negative behavior or self sabatoge, or attempts to 'cop out' on one's spiritual work, Charoites energy is right there to hold an energetic mirror in front of ones face. For those who are serious about working on themselves and are ready to commit to their paths of service , Charoite can be the best of friends and one's greatest ally.

In healing, Charoite helps the facilitator to be more objective about the information he or she receives. sometimes the energy of a client can trigger the healer's own energetic patterns, references and filters. unless healers are clear about their own issues , they can misinterpret the energy they are receiving. Charoite helps one more accurately interpret a clients energies and issues without putting ones personal references on the information.

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