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John of God Citrine & Smoky Phantom Quartz Casa Crystal 'Very Rare'

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These were a new find, very rare and an incredible mix of Citrine & Smokey Quartz, many with Phantoms inside. We were energetically moved by these and bought every piece that was available. We were blown away by these pieces we are releasing, they are very special.

Abundance & Manifestation

Dimensions: 2.85" x 4.22" x 2.45" inches
Weight 486 grams | 1 lb 1 oz
Properties: Manifest Spirit ISIS, Vibrant Rainbows, Phantoms
Origin: Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania, Brazil
Authenticity Card

CITRINE CRYSTALS  – Manifestation, Personal Will, Creativity, Mental Clarity

Natural Citrine provides a cleaner and smoother vibration. Natural Citrine can provide powerful healing on many different levels. Our Natural Citrine is the same color that it was when it was mined. Powered by the Sun, Citrine warms, cleanses, and energizes. Highly protective Citrine does not absorb negative energy and therefore never needs to be cleared, making it a great tool for transmuting negative energy. Citrine heightens self discipline and will, attracting professional success and wealth.

It has been called "the merchant's stone", and can be placed in a cash box or drawer, or in the far-left corner, or "wealth corner", of the home, to attract abundance. Carry Citrine in the purse or pocket as a general good-luck stone. Used in manifestation rituals, these Natural Citrine Crystal Points work well in an energy grid, with yellow candles and Clear Quartz and/or other Citrine Crystals surrounding it.

Most often associated with the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras, Citrine can also be used to cleanse all of the Chakras. Sunny Citrine has a joyful vibration that transmits outward to those nearby, making these crystals ideal for any setting. Working with Citrine can help one to overcome depression, release anger, and learn effective communication skills. Citrine can activate one's imagination, bringing more creative visions to a clearer mind. It can enhance one's optimism in any situation, bringing a more positive outlook into the conscious and subconscious mind, which allows one to step into the flow of things with better results. Citrine is often credited with attracting synchronicity by opening the mind to new ideas, discerning which are most likely to succeed, allowing those to develop, and following through with them to their happy conclusion.

Smokey Quartz Crystals - Grounding,Transmutation of Negative Energies, Practicality, Organization, Manifestation of Ones Dreams.

The Chinese culture used smoky quartz to stimulate the meridians, and India yogis to raise kundalini. The Romans saw smoky quartz as a mourning stone, allowing those who carried it to overcome their grief. A grounding stone. It is used most often to overcome depression, nightmares and stress. Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency. The clearest smoky quartz are the most intense, powerfully opening the Crown Chakra emanating light down to the Root Chakra, therefore, inducing Alpha/deep meditation. Because of this situation, its benefits also include channeling higher guidance, deep relaxation and helping with unconditional love. Heightens your understanding of nature and concerns for the environment. Smoky Quartz helps store information well for easier recall.It is the perfect stone for grounding the Etheric Layer of the Aura. Of all the grounding stones, it establishes the most gentle and loving connection with the body.

Rainbows will appear as internal fractures (foils) Rainbows are the closest manifestations of Pure White Light that can be witnessed on this plane. Rainbows unite and integrates heaven and earth. On special Occasions rainbows choose to live within the the world of a crystal, displaying their magic to us. Truly a gift from the Universe if you are Blessed to receive one of these. When used in Meditation Rainbow crystals open the doorway way to the realm of pure color. Back to the source of all life, the Great Central Sun, the foundation of our reality. They are also know to be bringers of happiness and master depression fighters.

||| Phantom Crystals |||

Phantoms look like the “ghost” of a crystal within another crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and then begins to grow again.

Your Phantom is this: at some point several million years ago the crystal grew to a certain height and shape and then its nutritional source was shut off. Then at some later time, new solution flowed in and the crystal began to grow again, but totally within the boundaries of its original framework, rather than taking new forms or directions.

In other words, the crystal grew beyond its original plan or expectations due to new
incoming nutrients that provided the opportunity for continued growth and expansion within its original form. Focusing on a Phantom Crystal can remind you that you are always well protected during these times of new growth. Just be patient and trust that your own additional nutrition will show up right on
schedule exactly when you need it, in the quantities you need it or can assimilate.

Clear Quartz Phantoms are excellent for balancing and aligning all the Chakras to the Crown Chakra. Those who are interested in spiritual growth and connection with the higher realms may find Clear Quartz Phantoms particularly helpful since the White Phantoms inside work with the Crown Chakra to integrate the experiences of the higher self into the other Chakras.

||| Manifest Spirit Isis Crystals |||

The Manifest Spirit Crystal displays a five-sided face on front of the crystal termination representing the five elements of Earth. Fire, Water, Wind and Storm. The number five also represents the expression of Spirit energy through form and has been traditionally linked to the Goddess archetype. The Sacred pentagon formed by those 5 sides stimulates one's connection to the Divine Source. Particularly the nurturing and creative energy of the Goddess or Great Mother.

These crystals have the ability to guide one in connecting with the archetypal Goddess energy and in giving birth to one's dreams through action. In meditation, the Manifest Spirit Crystal can help guide one to connect with the Divine Source and to channel that energy through the physical body into expression on the Earth plane. This quartz configuration is particularly useful for those who are willing to dedicate their lives and essences to expressing Divine energy in this realm of matter.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
I have gifted Your crystals to many people all around the country.

Often I don’t know who the crystal is meant for until it is in my presence. They are enlivening many lives. I only buy from you now. I am certain of the quality of your merchandise and I sense that each piece is chosen and handled with love.

Many blessing upon you and yours
With love and light