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Angel Aura Lemurian Light Quartz Twin Crystal

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Angel Aura Lemurian Light Quartz Twin Crystal

Lemurian Crystals are gentle, ancient healers and teachers waiting to share with you an awakened consciousness within them as you connect to them as a new guardian. Have you chosen them or has the crystal chosen you. They are powerful healers; clear blockages clear the chakras and will empower you through the dreaming. Lemurian's are amazing for channeling. Since they were left here and seeded by our ancient brothers and sisters, they hold the ink to the stars and beyond, now, from the past and in the future. These beautiful crystals are powerful for meditation, channeling, healing or any other work you are called to do with these. They will connect with you and share their awakened memories and ancient, sacred wisdom through their illuminating beauty and light.

Dimensions 2.08" x 1.3" x .74" inches
Weight: 28 grams
Additional Crystal Properties: Tantric Twin,

Lemurian Light Keys: Inner Light, Visionary Experiences, Activation of brain capacities, enhanced crystalline coherence, links to lemuria
Chakras: Third Eye, (6th) Crown (7th) Mouth of God, and the whole brain.

Physical: Supports the brain and central nervous system, may aid in overcoming brain dysfunctions.
Emotional: Offers the experience of expanded consciousness as pure pleasure.
Spiritual: Stimulates visionary experience, triggers the Mouth of God energy point

Lemurian Light Crystal is the name given to a group of high quality crystal points from Colombia. Their composition is
silicone dioxide with a hardness of 7, often water clear and with unusually shiny surfaces. Lemurian Light crystals aid
meditation and visionary experience. They can open the "Mouth of God" energy point at the back of the skull, initiating
powerful mystical awakenings. They allow one to see visions of ancient Lemuria and experience Lemurian Consciousness.
Lemurian Light Crystals are deeply soothing and quieting to one's consciousness, even as they awaken the inner light. They
can help one enter quickly and deeply into meditative states, releasing stress and opening the mind to receive inner
guidance and inspiration. They can stimulate the organization of one's Liquid Body Crystal Matrix, enhancing one's capacities
for many varieties of expanded awareness.

Lemurian Light Crystals work well with Moldavite, Rosophia, Natrolite, Danburite, Agni Gold Danburite and all azeztulites. With
Mystic Merlinite or Black Merlinite they can aid integration of ones light and shadow sides. With Phenacite, one's capacity for
visionary experiences is much enhanced.

Angel Aura Keys: Upliftment, Peace, Serenity, Expanded Awareness
Chakras: Crown (7th) Etheric (8th) and beyond, above the head

Angel Aura offers an energetic connection to the Angelic domain.

There are only a few color enhanced stones we feel are energetically active, unique and useful. In General, our position is that stones which are dyed, stained or coated to make them attractive are no better and sometimes worse, than they are in their unadorned form. One exception to this is Angel Aura Quartz. (Another is its cousin, Aqua Aura Quartz) This stone is produced when clear quartz points or clusters go through a special treatment process in which their surfaces are bonded with vaporized or finely powdered platinum, silver, and other trace metals.

he resulting crystals exhibit silvery surfaces of brilliant iridescent color. The name Angel Aura Quartz derives from this color’s likeness to the images of the gossamer wings of angels, and from an energetic connection to the Angelic domain.

The shimmering shades of iridescent colors that highlight Angel Aura Quartz immediately put one in mind of the angels. There is something delicately uplifting about Angel Aura Quartz, a quality of sweetness that stimulates the spirit and elevates one’s mood. Meditating with these stones, one can easily move beyond the body and go to one’s “inner Temple” This is the place of purification and rest, in which one’s angelic guides are present, ready to release stress and move into deep peace.

Remembrance of past incarnations, insights into one’s spiritual purpose, the ability to channel the higher knowledge and the opportunity to commune with loving spiritual entities are among the possibilities available through working with ANGEL AURA QUARTZ. And all of these things take place in a “bubble” of peace, tranquility and contentment.

Angel Aura Quartz is a stone of attunement to beauty, and it can assist one in remembering to pay attention to the beauty surrounding one, in both Nature and Spirit. Wearing Angel Aura Quartz helps one to be a beacon of inner beauty, peace, and spiritual awareness during one’s journey in this world.

||| Twin Crystals |||

Tantric Twin Crystals are crystals who share a common base but who have two separate and distinct points (terminations). They are literally two heads on one body. The word tantra itself is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning union. Your most important union is always first with your True Self. The ultimate union is when your Soul becomes one with you Original Source, whether that be Life Force, All That Is, or God.

Tantric Twins single-mindedly work to assist you with human relationships of any kind. They prepare you to allow your twin essence or soulmate into your life at a very high energy level. Tantric Twins are extremely effective while working with the bond of two individuals who are already intimately connected.

A Tantric Twin is a terrific choices for two people who are already deeply unified and wish to explore and strengthen the bond further, taking the relationship beyond this experience. It has been said, the Tantric Twin helps one see through the illusions of Time and Space and begin their process of understanding the non-spatial concepts of Nirvana, a place of awareness totally devoid of content, the place of Non-Being.

Angel Aura Lemurian Light Crystal

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