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Amethyst Quartz Crystal Point Devic Temple Heart Master Dow

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Rare & Powerful Master Crystal. Deep Purple Amethyst Quartz Crystal Point with Temple Heart Dow & Devic Temple.

Some say the Devic Temple is among the most special of all the Master Crystals. They embody an element of pure magic.

Powerfully blessed & energized at one of the worlds most powerful vortexes in the world, that sits on a crystal plate 270 miles in diameter.

Dimensions 4.12" x 1.8 "x 1.26" inches
Weight 212 grams - 7.5 oz

Properties: Temple Heart Dow, Devic Temple

Amethyst Keys - Protection, Purification, Divine Connection, Release of addictions
Chakras - Third Eye (6th) Crown (7th) Etheric (8th and beyond,above the head)

Amethyst embodies the Violet Flame, using its healing power on all levels. Highly useful in meditation and one of the most effective as it calms emotions. More than most Quartz Crystals, it quiets the mind allowing connection to spirit. It opens & clears the third eye and crown Chakras, which accelerates the development of intuitive and psychic abilities.

''' Devic Temple Crystals '''

Some say this is among the most special of all the Master Crystals. They embody an element of pure magic and if properly used, can provide a gateway through which Devas can enter into the physical plane. 'Devas' are generally defined as inner plane beings that exist in the higher astral and/or heaven worlds. Those that exist in the astral plane may be resting in between incarnations. The Devas that exist in the higher heaven worlds have evolved out of the cycle of reincarnation, or they can be angelic beings that have never inhabited physical bodies.

All devas are beings of light. Because they abide in higher planes of consciousness, they are not encumbered with the weight of mental or emotional strain, nor are they disillusioned by the limiting perceptions of the five senses. Some of these devas are dedicated to assisting human beings [presently incarnated on the physical plane. They aim is to facilitate spiritual unfoldment, self-realization, and guide us on the path towards our own self-mastery. When used in the right way, the Devic Temple Crystals can become temporary vehicles through which the inner plane devas can find expression and offer insight, wisdom, and blessings into our lives.

The Devic Temples are specialized quartz crystals and yet their features are less defined than any of the other Master Crystals. These crystals are usually single generators. The traits that distinguish the Devic temples from other crystals are found by observing the inclusions within the internal world of the crystal as well as the markings upon the body and the faces. The crystals that can be used as temple sites for higher plane beings can display impressions of other worlds, temples, or most importantly, faces or outlines of beings inside the crystal.

The body of the Devic Temple Crystal may exhibit clearly defined doorways or avenues of entry. Devas can also be invoked through crystals that have ascending steps and/or lines on the body or any of the terminating facets. Because clear quartz crystals inherently integrate the white light of the spiritual realm into the substance of the earth plane, the Devic Temples are perfect dwelling places for higher beings. The Devic Temple Crystals provide the contact point between dimensions, enabling the higher astral and/or heavenly devas easy access into the physical plane.

Only the Devas who are capable of merging with pure white light are able to cross the threshold between worlds and temporarily reside within the crystal temple. And when they do communication between the inner and outer realms can be bridged. When the Devas are invited into your life through these crystals, a magical presence prevails. The harmonic vibration of these quartz temple sites allow the veils between the worlds to be lifted and spiritual energies to infiltrate into the environment. The Devic Temple Crystals become living altars through which the masters of the inner worlds can see into the eyes, heart, and soul of the ones who will meditate with the crystals.

Master Dow or Temple Heart Dow Crystals

The Temple heart Dow Crystal has three seven sided faces that alternate with three triangular faces, all reaching a perfect termination. The crystal is known not only for its beautiful geometries and symmetry but also for its powerful heart -activation properties. The temple Heart Crystal is a fairly rare formation of Quartz.

When one of these jewels does appear it is a sign of impending transformation and a quantum leap in consciousness in compassion. It has one of the highest frequencies of any clear quartz configuration - an energy frequency that is particularly important in these times. It stimulates the heart chakra, and assists one in resonating with Divine Love Energy.

The Frequency of the Temple Heart Crystal is that of the enlightened Priestess. She has great spiritual knowledge and has practiced putting that knowledge to work in the world. She accepts her personal power as an extension and expression of Divine power and is willing to make choices and decisions based upon her spiritual understanding, tempered by a wise heart of compassion. The Temple Heart Crystal carries the frequency of kwan Yin, The Goddess of Compassion and Healing.

At this level of learning, the Temple Heart crystal reveals that one's true power is seated within the heart chakra. It is through the marriage of spiritual knowledge and compassion that true enlightenment and enlightened action can be made manifest in this world. Larger Temple heart crystals are excellent tools for Altars and sacred places or healing rooms.

They assist one in connecting with the heart of the Divine and in developing compassion for the world and for each other. Groups can attune to the energy of The Temple Heart in order to send healing prayers into the Cosmos, where they can be accessed by anyone who may need direction, Guidance or healing.

The crystal is known not only for its beautiful geometries and symmetry but also for its powerful heart -activation properties. The temple Heart Crystal is a fairly rare formation of Quartz. When one of these jewels does appear it is a sign of impending transformation and a quantum leap in consciousness in compassion. It has one of the highest frequencies of any clear quartz configuration - an energy frequency that is particularly important in these times. It stimulates the heart chakra, and assists one in resonating with Divine Love Energy.

At this level of learning, the Temple Heart crystal reveals that one's true power is seated within the heart chakra. It is through the marriage of spiritual knowledge and compassion that true enlightenment and enlightened action can be made manifest in this world. Larger Temple heart crystals are excellent tools for Altars and sacred places or healing rooms.

They assist one in connecting with the heart of the Divine and in developing compassion for the world and for each other. Groups can attune to the energy of The Temple Heart in order to send healing prayers into the Cosmos, where they can be accessed by anyone who may need direction, Guidance or healing.

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