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Himalaya Gold Azeztulite Altar Stone Azozeo Super Activated

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From the highest mountains in the world!

  • Dimensions: 2.67" x 3" x 1.6" inches
  • Weight:  237 grams or 8.36 oz
  • Keys: Creative Manifestation through the Will, Co-Creating with Sophia, Kindling the Great Central Sun in the Heart, Filling the Body with Gold Light
  • Chakras: Heart (4th)  3rd Eye (6th)  Crown (7th) Soul Star & Transpersonal (8th -14th)
  • Authenticity Card 

 Himalaya Gold Azeztulite was discovered in 2008, in the regions near the Himalaya mountains.

Azozeo Super Activated Crystals carry much higher frequencies than the non-activated versions of the same stones. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tom W
Himalaya Gold Azeztulite

this very special stone reminds me of the Himalaya and my Buddhist teachers. Glad to have it.